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How to Easily Report Discount Rates in Dealer Sales?

Do you have difficulty in reporting the discount rates on your dealers’ sales invoices? Would you like to easily identify your central discount practices on these invoices?

In this article, you will discover how to easily classify turnover premium, advance discount, etc. rates on invoices and learn how to prepare sales reports in a short time and without errors.


Digital Marketing Manager

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Your sales reporting process

As a manufacturer company, you have corporate discount applications. You check the discounts in the invoices from your dealers and calculate the end-of-period progress payments and premiums.

In your company dealer management software you may be using. But you have to do the reporting in Excel.

This is because the discount rates in the invoices from the dealers are in a mixed order. And the software you use does not have a solution for this. The reports you try to create in Excel take a lot of time and often produce erroneous results.

What you want is to categorize each discount type in the invoice details and see it in a single digit.

Meet special discount definitions

Those of our customers who use SDR Central (Dealer Management Software) enjoy the comfort of preparing error-free sales reports in seconds.

In end-of-period progress payment and premium calculations, they can instantly access the total figure for each discount type.Let’s see how it happened.

#1: Define your discount types

Each discount type you define will be collected in its own column in the reports.

İskonto Tipleri Tanımı

#2: Match your discount types

Match your defined discount types for each dealer.

İskonto Tiplerini Eşleştirme

Let’s explain with an example;Dealer A enters the “Under Invoice Discount” in the “discount 6” line in the sales invoices issued to its customers. Dealer B enters it under “discount 2”.

When defining, you match the “discount 6” digit for dealer A as “Under Invoice Discount”.

Now your “Under Invoice Discount” is under a single column in all invoices of dealer A.

#3: Sales reports

The report you want is ready instantly.

İskonto Tiplerini Göre Eşleştirilmiş Bayi Satış Raporu

You will be able to view the discount rates on the sales invoices issued by your dealers to their customers within seconds, classified according to your corporate discount practices.

You will be able to report easily and with zero error whether on dealer, product or region basis.You will now have such reports, which you spend hours on and often result in errors, in a matter of seconds.

And if you need to send reports to different departments, you can easily export them to Excel or pdf format.

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