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Digital Transformation Plan for Resellers and Distributors

Discover applications that are optimized for the dynamics of sales and distribution and can scale with your growing needs.Watch demo videos. Check prices and features.

Which application do you need?

Businesses in search of commercial accounting software

Meet your new business accounting software.

The commercial accounting software you are using may not meet your expectations or you may not be satisfied.

Easily transition from your old system without disrupting your existing structure.

  • Financial Accounting
  • Official Accounting
  • Trucking and Distribution Planning
  • E-Invoice, E-Waybill, E-Archive Transactions
  • Purchasing, Sales and Inventory Management
  • Advanced Reporting

Start using the new commercial accounting program today.

Saha Satış Ekibi Olmayan Yazılımını Değiştirmek İsteyen Küçük İşletmeler

Businesses that want to change their field sales software

Easy to use. Seamless integration.

Integrate it into your commercial application at the center and keep it running smoothly.

  • Hot & Cold Sale
  • New Customer Registration in the Field
  • Invoice and Collection Procedures
  • Instant Visit and Sales Reports
  • Online & Offline Transactions
  • Android & iOS Mobile Compatibility

Meet the new easy-to-use mobile field sales program.

Saha Satış Ekibi Olan Yazılımından Memnun Olmayan Küçük İşletmeler

Businesses that want to change their accounting and field sales software

Easy and fast migration from your old system.

Change your system without affecting your ongoing operations at headquarters and in the field. Migrate to the new system quickly and easily.

  • Manage all your business processes such as current and inventory tracking.
  • Create your E-Invoice, E-Waybill, E-Archive documents.
  • Create new customer registration in the field.
  • Make your hot & cold sales with a single application.
  • Make your invoice and collection transactions in the field.

Start using commercial accounting and mobile field sales programmes today.

Satış Ekibi Olan Yazılım Arayışındaki Küçük İşletmeler
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